[filename.info logo]
[cn bootvid.dll][de bootvid.dll][es bootvid.dll][fr bootvid.dll][gb bootvid.dll][it bootvid.dll][jp bootvid.dll][kr bootvid.dll][nl bootvid.dll][pt bootvid.dll][ru bootvid.dll][us bootvid.dll]

bootvid.dll (5.1.2600.0)

Contained in software

Name:Windows XP Home Edition, Deutsch
Information link:http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/

File details

Filepath:C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache \ bootvid.dll
Filedate:2002-08-29 14:00:00
Filesize:12.288 bytes

Checksum and file hashes

MD5:CC30 6BF5 8144 6D5E 443E AE5B 3BB9 00F0
SHA1:7C5D 1B89 AA52 DB0B 8CF9 A2E4 E6A7 43BA F066 8885

Version resource information

CompanyName:Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription:VGA Boot Driver
FileOS:Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003
FileType:Device Driver
FileSubtype:Display Driver
LegalCopyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
ProductName:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

bootvid.dll was found in the following malware reports:


Technical details
...the date is September 11 of any year, on Windows 2000 computers it replaces the Bootvid.dll file with its own version....
...Bootvid.dll is 7 KB in size. Bootvid.dll is a native DLL that is loaded during Windows 2000 startup to display a graphical...
...image. In this case, if Bootvid.dll is replaced with the infected version, at startup the virus displays a 29A logo...
Removal instructions
...or 16 KB, delete the file. If the file is Bootvid.dll, you must replace it from a clean backup or from the Windows installation files....
Source: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w2k.lamchi.html

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