belt.exe was found in the following malware reports:
Technical details ...Varies: Bi.dll and Biprep.exe; Belt.exe; Belt.ini; Belt.inf; Susp.exe; Susp.ini; Susp.inf; Mxtarget; FFGDEGOJ.ini... ...%Windir%FFGDEGOJ.ini <Current Folder>Belt.ini <Current Folder>Belt.inf... ...Some samples that Security Response has received of Belt.exe will not install successfully, as the CAB package it attempts to download is... Removal instructions ...were added to the registry. Delete Belt.ini and Belt.inf, if found. Delete infected .cab files... ...delete the .ini and .inf files Search the system for Belt.ini/Susp.ini/FFGDEGOJ.ini and Belt.inf/Susp.inf, deleting them if found.... ...and paste, the file names: FFGDEGOJ.ini Belt.ini Belt.inf or... ...and paste, the file names: FFGDEGOJ.ini Belt.ini Belt.inf or... Source: